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The UK’s Freelancer Club is a shining example of a freelance platform that doesn’t take commissions from its members or their customers, but instead asks freelancers for a membership fee straight away. They offer membership plans from 0 to £20/month (£240/year if billed monthly) and are currently helping 40,000 creative professionals in growing their business as well as finding new jobs and clients. Jon Younger praised the club in his recent Forbes article Meet The Freelancers Club: A Pioneer Helping Freelancers Grow Successful Careers, quoting its CEO Matt Dowling: “The freelancer, not the site, ‘owns’ the client relationship. We’re not a marketplace in the traditional sense – we don’t hold money on the site, or take commission, and our involvement ends when we introduce the company to the freelancer.” Amen to that.
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Creators of Basecamp are launching a new email service called HEY. In some aspects, it is revolutionary, highly innovative in others. They have reworked an email client from the ground up for the 2020s by adding a white-listing Screener for all new senders, redesigning inbox as Imbox (“im-” for important), streamlining replies to emails marked as “Reply Later,” reading newsletters as a continuous newsfeed, protecting privacy by blocking spy pixels, adding personal notes and clips, sending files of any size, and much, much more. The service comes with a free 14-day trial and a flat price of $99/year for a @HEY.com address (excluding premium ones), and there are also plans to add custom domains in the future. Check out the How it works page or even better, watch an amazing walk-through video by HEY’s founder Jason Fried.
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Get to know our first star member: Daniel Gladis is a renowned stock investor, best-selling author of two books about value investing, as well as the founder and a director of the Vltava Fund, a global equity investment fund.
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By all standards, Marketing Examples is an incredibly useful resource for any freelancer, not to mention marketing professionals. As a directory of both classic and innovative marketing campaigns, it presents each example in a compact and accessible form, including visuals. Examples are carefully selected and sorted into categories like Viral, Content, Cold Email, Copywriting, Pricing, SEO, Sales, PPC, etc. You can also subscribe to a free weekly newsletter by the site’s curator and founder, Harry Dry.
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Fortune explains why the Upwork CEO believes the pandemic will lead to more work with freelancers. As in any major economic downturn, there’s a surge in demand for freelance services, as well as the rising need of many freelancers to strengthen their marketing efforts.
What’s missing in the article, though, is that despite getting so much media attention, less than 1 % of the total U.S. workers go to online platforms like Uber, TaskRabbit, or Upwork to get work (according to Gig Economy Data Hub).
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Crisis Directory is a crowdsourced global directory of COVID-19 crisis resources to support freelancers, the self-employed, gig-economy workers, etc., built by the team behind the Coworking Library to support coworking spaces and their members.
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Live interview with Freelancing.eu founder Robert Vlach hosted by Nina English for her community of freelance English teachers covered a broad range of topics relevant to any freelance business. It also touched on some sensitive issues like the lack of financial self-management of many freelancers, or requesting feedback and recommendations from clients. The interview is available as a video or podcast.
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One in five highly skilled UK’s freelancers expect to have to close their business because of the coronavirus crisis, according to new research Falling through the cracks by the University of Edinburgh Business School in association with IPSE. The underlying problem seems to be that most of them could not access the government’s Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) either because they work through their limited company (73%) or they were earning over the £50,000 threshold (13%), making them ineligible for state financial support.
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Preserving your savings and financial reserves for the future and protecting them against inflation is one of the long-term goals of a freelancer’s financial self-management. When it comes to investing, one of the best options is stocks — over the last 120 years, their annualized real return after inflation has been 5.2 %, according to Credit Suisse. Yet stocks are also hard to grasp for a layperson. It often comes down to a choice whether to buy a broader index like S&P 500 (through an ETF) or pick individual growth and value stocks (like Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway). The hedge fund manager and bestselling writer Daniel Gladis addressed this dilemma in his insightful article Berkshire Hathaway or S&P 500 Index?
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If you are running a coworking space, or you are a freelancer working in one, here are some ideas for improvements: What are the signs of an advanced freelance economy and how can they be supported by coworking spaces is the title of Robert Vlach’s 15-minutes talk for the international Coworking Symposium online conference that presented some early takeaways from our research of European resources.
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