Freelancer Study 2022

September 12, 2022

Freelancer Study 2022 produced by (an international freelance platform based in Germany) surveyed 2,610 freelancers in 79 countries. The data sample was not statistically representative (83% were men, 72% had a college/university), but the report is worth reading anyway. Here are some highlights:

  • $98 average hourly rate (10% charge $150+)
  • $5,376 of start capital on average
  • 68% had gross revenue over $50K in 2021 (67% gross profit over $25K)
  • #1 reason to go freelance: Independence (named also as the #1 benefit)
  • Top 3 disadvantages of freelancing: Project acquisition, Irregular income, Late payments
  • Top 4 success factors: Expertise, Experience, Network, References
  • #1 beginner mistake: Hourly rate too low

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