Rental person

January 29, 2024

Shoji Morimoto is a Japanese man who turned 'doing nothing' into a very original profession. As a rental person, he gets hired just to be present without engaging in any significant activity, providing clients with a sense of comfort. Can it work? Well, since he began his service in 2018, he has been hired more than 4,000 times.

"The client wants to do something, and I just go along. No deep commitment is expected and no personality required," Morimoto says and adds that he believes the job is a great fit for his introverted personality.

This quirky yet intriguing idea highlights the diverse and sometimes unexpected opportunities in the freelancing world and could be a reminder of how creativity can shape the freelancing career. You can read more about his atypical professional journey in the recently published book Rental Person Who Does Nothing.

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