UK’s self-employed in 2020

December 23, 2020

British IPSE has just published The Self-Employed Landscape in 2020 report. As usual, it defines freelancers as the top-skilled subset of the solo self-employed population:

“There are now almost 2.2 million freelancers in the UK, up 1% from 2019. Of these, over 1.9 million state that freelancing is their main job, with a further 239,000 people doing freelancing as a side hustle alongside other employment. Due to the small increase in freelancers between 2019 and 2020 and the larger drop in the overall solo self-employed population (-5%), the number of freelancers as a proportion of wider population has increased by 3% from 46% to 49%. Therefore, highly skilled freelancers now make up almost half of the 4.4 million solo self-employed in the UK.“

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