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When taking highly challenging tasks, like performing on a big stage or presenting your work to a board of directors, self-distancing by creating an alter ego may help. Just as it helped Beyoncé and Adele to perform on top of their abilities, BBC Worklife explains.
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Coliving has been a trending buzzword among freelancers, but as a business, it is way more challenging than running a coworking place. For all entrepreneurs interested in the subject, Peter Fabor has created an honest Coliving guide 📖
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Despite a sensational title, 100 Baggers: Stocks That Return 100-to-1 and How To Find Them by Christopher Mayer turns out to be a well-researched book for value-seeking individual investors. If you favor stock picking over index funds in your portfolio, get it, and you won’t be disappointed.
Note: This is not a get-rich-fast book, quite the opposite. Any strategy based on the author’s conclusions would require hard work and lots of patience.
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Meet the last guest speaker of our first-ever online event Freelance Friends, this Friday, June 25, from 2 to 7 pm:
Jan de Graaf is a German business consultant for European trade with Asia and especially China, where he has spent 15 years. Jan will share his freelance journey and describe the rich cultural background of his successful freelance business.
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“I rarely talk to the old media anymore because it’s just too risky. I wanna talk directly to the public, and it’s been great. This is a new world,” says David Sinclair, one of the world’s best-known scientists, in a bombshell JRE podcast interview on aging and some of his ventures.
The world is changing indeed, and biotech seems to be the next big thing. Read David’s book Lifespan as a practical introduction.
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Meet the second guest speaker of our first-ever online event Freelance Friends, this Friday, June 25, from 2 to 7 pm:
Vita Valka is a graphic and UX designer known for his digital-nomad lifestyle and a new project CamperGuru. Each year, his family spends a few months in a camping van, traveling, working and networking all over Europe. Get ready for a talk of a lifetime.
Do you want to be part of this, for free, and make friends with us? Send us an email titled I AM IN to hello@freelancing.eu — and you’re in! 💌
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Meet the first guest speaker of our first-ever online event Freelance Friends, this Friday, June 25, from 2 to 7 pm:
Elina Jutelyte is an event manager and freelance angel: As an expat, she founded the Belgian Freelance Business Community and produces large events for European freelancers. Here, she will share her own freelance origins story and lessons learned.
Do you want to be part of this, for free, and make friends with us? Send us an email titled I AM IN to hello@freelancing.eu — and you’re in! 💌
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If we were to vote for the best non-fiction book of the 21st century, our top candidate would be Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World — and Why Things Are Better Than You Think. Indeed, perhaps no other book can tell you as much about the real state of the world as this one. What’s more, it prepares you for the future with useful guidelines that put data and facts above typical human errors.
If Hans Rosling (famous also for his TED Talk The best stats you’ve ever seen) didn’t pass away before its publication in 2017, he would be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize, for sure.
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How Innovation Works by Matt Ridley is a book that delivers 100% on its title. His writing is well-researched, engaging and full of applicable insights — if you happen to be anywhere near an innovation.
However, Ridley warns that Europe, in particular, has stalled: “Of Europe’s 100 most valuable companies, none – not one – was formed in the past forty years. In Germany’s Dax 30 index, just two companies were founded after 1970; in France’s CAC 40 index, one; in Sweden’s top fifty, none at all.”
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This may seem unrelated to freelancing, but unfortunately, it isn’t. Europe is quickly losing its grip on global markets, while “China and America dominate like never before,” writes The Economist about The new geopolitics of global business:
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