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You can’t just take your followers and leave Facebook, don’t you? A similar issue now emerges with so-called subscription platforms. That is why Open Subscription Platforms project divides them in two categories, based on their business model:
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“Social-media platforms used to get most of their content for free. That dynamic is changing,” writes The Economist in a visionary article The new rules of the “creator economy” about sweeping changes that will benefit many freelancers. The ways for monetizing original content online — like Substack or Buy me a coffee — have multiplied in recent years, but it is probably only a glimpse of a boom to come. (Enter your email to pass Economist’s paywall.)
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May 9 marks the 1st anniversary since launching Freelancing.eu — as well as Europe Day, celebrating peace and unity in Europe 🎉 We now have:
Thanks for the wonderful first year! 💙
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There has been a huge surge of new forms of work across European countries, many of them related to freelancing. Eurofund’s article titled New forms of employment in Europe – How new is new? outlines nine most common ones: ICT-based mobile work, platform work, collaborative employment, casual work, job sharing, interim management, employee sharing, portfolio work, and voucher-based work.
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HarperCollins, a world-leading book publisher, has purchased The Freelance Way publication rights for all seven countries on the Indian subcontinent — home to 1.7 billion people, many of them freelancers ✌️
The European book, written by Robert Vlach, presents the best business practices, tools and strategies for freelancers. The HarperCollins’ edition shall be available across India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives.
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Few freelancers trust online marketplaces to bid for clients against other freelancers. But it is quite the opposite with support platforms that provide freelancers with benefits and networking opportunities. Good examples, including Freelancing.eu, are mentioned in a new Forbes article Where To Get Help Building Your Freelance Career by Jon Younger.
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If you run your freelance website on .EU domain, you can nominate it for .EU Web Awards online competition — or vote for Freelancing.eu in the Laurels category of educational, charitable, and pan-European projects 👍
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CamperGuru, a list of the best camping spots in Europe for digital nomads, has launched.
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A simple-yet-powerful productivity tip for intense work in Google Chrome: Switch the last two used tabs with CLUT: Cycle Last Used Tabs free browser extension, using Alt+W keyboard shortcut.
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Contrary to prophecies announcing the rise of freelancing, entrepreneurship in America (freelance economy stronghold) is in a long-term demise, and Millennials are the generation least likely to become entrepreneurs in a century:
“In 1981, 2 in 10 Americans worked for themselves in some capacity. The figure was half that before the 2008 financial crisis, and it’s continued to trend down since,“ explains Bloomberg in their data-based article It’s time to reclaim the meaning of the word ‘entrepreneur’.
“Entrepreneurship education should focus on a wider range of paths for starting a business, including small and midsize companies, multigenerational ownership, and even lifestyle businesses (those set up to support a founder’s living expenses and pursuits, without growing exponentially),” the author suggests.
Note also the charming explanation of the word itself: “290 years ago, when the French-Irish economist Richard Cantillon first defined an entrepreneur as anyone who worked for unfixed wages, he noted that the one thing that linked all entrepreneurs—from wealthy merchants to beggars—was the risk they shouldered as the price of independence.”
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