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September 6, 2023


Marc Andreessen, who is well-known as an Internet pioneer and prominent tech investor, as well as a supporter of less-regulated AI development, has a great new interview on the Huberman Lab podcast.

He and Andrew Huberman discussed the innovator mindset, which is second nature to those entrepreneurs and freelancers who are okay with going against the crowd, being disagreeable, and risk taking. Naturally, they have also discussed AI and how it transforms the human experience:

Note: There’s also a fantastic book How Innovation Works by Matt Ridley, if you wish to read more on the subject.

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September 5, 2023


Vodafone Business UK specifically recommends as a source for hiring freelance experts in an article with top tips on building a team to manage digital profiles:

„We recommend freelance hiring websites such as Upwork and Freelancing[.eu]“

Thanks for highlighting our open directory!

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September 4, 2023


This post is based on a brilliant 2019 Linda Thompson’s article Dutch website helps journalists better understand freelancer agreements:

The media are said to be in crisis, which is often reflected in one-sided standard contracts offered to freelance writers. They are somehow expected to accept the unfavourable terms and not discuss them because competition is high. Or is it?

As a beginning freelancer, Dutch journalist Nick Kivits accepted this common practice, giving the contracts only a quick read before sending them back signed: “The first few years I did it all wrong. I signed everything,” he remarks.

Nick decided to improve the negotiating position of freelance writers. He began explaining and commenting on standard Dutch media contracts through his website, He focuses on what's wrong, where the common issues lie, and what writers should be cautious of. These are three things in particular: exclusivity terms, payment terms, and copyright clauses. The comments are often informal and humorous, like “Will I be paid extra for re-use? Haha. No.”

Our take: Nick's idea presents an extremely effective and original way to help colleagues in an industry that is rife with one-sided contracting practices. It makes it easy even for beginners to know what to look for in contracts, and it’s clear that freelancers in many other industries would benefit from a similar analysis. The only catch remains the copyright of the contracts themselves — after all, every contract is someone’s copyrighted work, and so publication of the quoted parts must clearly be in the public interest.

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August 28, 2023


We are launching Freelancers On the Road — a new initiative to organize international freelance meetups across Europe in cooperation with local freelance communities and coworking spaces.

If you're interested in hitting the road with us more than once, you can sign up for updates by joining the core group.

The first event in the series is scheduled for September 27-28 at Coworking Cvernovka in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Attendance is free; no registration is required. Just join the Facebook event and then show up in good spirits — freelancers from all countries are welcome!

Note: This pilot event is (exceptionally) branded as the 1st Czech-Slovak international freelance meetup. Therefore, the afternoon debate will be held in Czech/Slovak, since most participants will speak these as their primary languages.

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August 25, 2023


The staff at British IPSE have selected and published a collection of the best podcasts for freelancers and the self-employed. Explore and enjoy!

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August 23, 2023


There’s a very comprehensive website at with privacy ratings for internet browsers. Is your browser secure? Draw your own conclusions — and maybe switch to another.

Note: Another similar website is Secure Messaging Apps Comparison.

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August 21, 2023


“Exposure to entrepreneurs (mostly) encourages entrepreneurship,” explains Matt Clancy in his older evidence-based article accompanied by a podcast episode titled Entrepreneurship is contagious.

Citing several studies, Matt comes to a conclusion that aligns with our regular observations in our work with freelancers — being around other independent professionals makes one think about career choices and more likely to choose the freelance way.

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August 18, 2023


This is big: The EU is proposing a new legislation called the Platform Workers Directive, which could compel some freelance platforms to reclassify gig workers as employees if they fail to treat them as genuinely independent professionals.

According to The Freelance Informer, which cites Osborne Clarke, this will be judged by several criteria:

  • Supervising the performance of workers through electronic means
  • Restricting their ability to choose their working hours
  • Restricting their tasks
  • Preventing them from working for third parties
  • Setting an upper limit on pay
  • Setting rules on their appearance or conduct
  • Restricting their ability to use subcontractors or substitutes

The proposed regulation also delves into other facets of platform work, like the application of automation and algorithms for evaluating individuals, their performance, visibility, and more.

Our take: We recognize that the gig economy (primarily platform-based and digital) and the freelance economy (consisting of more or less independent individuals, mostly outside online platforms) are not the same thing and only overlap each other. The new legislation actually tries to make the same distinction, which is a good thing.

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August 16, 2023


We recently featured two best-of app collections for freelancers put together by Austin Church and Jan Onesork. If you find these lists helpful, there’s also a toolkit of 80+ Great Tools for Freelancers published in 2021 by our friends at Freelance Business Community. Enjoy!

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August 14, 2023


We love TV shows where the main character is an independent professional. One of the best recent examples is The Lincoln Lawyer, based on the best-selling novels by Michael Connelly and produced by Netflix. Its protagonist, Mickey Haller, famously runs his business out of a Lincoln limousine, although this is somewhat muted in the TV version. After only two seasons, the leading actor Manuel Garcia-Rulfo is already on the verge of becoming a major movie star.

Fun fact: There’s also a 2011 movie The Lincoln Lawyer starring Matthew McConaughey.

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