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June 20, 2022


Payal Dhar has reviewed 3 AI writing tools (Jasper, Rytr, and GPT-J) for The Future-Proof Freelancer series and came to a sobering conclusion in an article titled Will AI Writing Tools Replace Us Lowly Human Freelancers?:

“Ultimately, in my opinion, AI is only a threat to writers in the same way that Photoshop ’wiped out’ artists and Squarespace did away with web developers. I don’t think that we lowly human freelancers are going to be replaced by robots—but some of us might take one on as an assistant in the not-too-distant future.”

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June 17, 2022


“For a freelancer, a photo is a bit like a logo for a company. You can get by without a logo, but without a photo? Not so much. Your photo represents you and says who you are and how you see yourself, it’s a clear output of a certain amount of self-styling, and it’s an expression of how you want others to see you.”

Learn more about the basics of freelance marketing and picking the best headshot photo in The Freelance Way.

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June 16, 2022


There is DALL·E 2 AI image generator, already available to beta testers — and then there’s Imagen by Google Research’s Brain Team, the quality of which is just brutal.

Our take: If you look at the sample high-resolution images generated by Imagen’s AI from short text descriptions, it’s quite obvious that many designers, illustrators, and photographers are getting concerned about their professional future. Google is probably concerned too, intending to keep Imagen technology private, at least for now:

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June 13, 2022


An online event Freelance Business Creativity produced by Elina Jutelyte and her team is scheduled for June 30, 2022. It is free to join for all free-lancers.

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June 10, 2022


Here’s our movie tip for the weekend: The Intern with Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway is a great business comedy/drama about a retired widower who, basically, decides to go freelance as an intern in a startup company. Rated 7.1/10 on IMDb.

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June 10, 2022


In freelancing, a “good name” is generally understood as an established association of quality between the professional as a person and their area of expertise. But there are many other ways to phrase it. Such as:

  • A good name is when clients ask for you, not for a service
  • A good name is an unspoken agreement on your qualities

Read more about building your reputation as a freelancer in The Freelance Way.

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June 9, 2022


Freelancer’s price is, among other things, a message about their level of expertise and work experience. The question is: What that message is, if their price hasn’t moved for years? Here’s a relevant quote from The Freelance Way, chapter Pricing:

A price is a message. If you are working with your price correctly, it’s boosting the image that you are also trying to build through your other marketing tools or channels. Or otherwise. If you keep the price that you had a few years ago when you were starting out, what does that say about you? That you are still the same beginner for eternity with no faith in yourself, who makes mistakes, and whose price reflects low quality and professionalism? Because that is how the customer sees it.

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June 8, 2022


Elina Jutelyte is an event manager and freelance angel: As an expat, she founded the Belgian Freelance Business Community and produces large events for European freelancers. In this talk for Freelance Friends, Elina shares her own freelance origins story and lessons learned:

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June 7, 2022


If you’re a freelance illustrator or microstock photographer, the new DALL·E 2 AI image generator is a huge game-changer.

As shown in a recent product demo, Dalle2 can generate high-quality illustrations and generic photorealistic images (in countless variations) from simple text descriptions.

Our take: Instead of replacing humans, Dalle’s AI may enable creators to produce more quality work and focus on creative idea-making, rather than laboriously processing those very ideas. AI power tools like these may be quite common in future creator’s toolkit.

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June 3, 2022


Spec work is when an inexperienced freelancer is manipulated into doing some work for free or with a vague vision of a reward, reciprocal service, or other work. Here are some examples from The Freelance Way, chapter Business Negotiations:

  • Submit your entry to the tender for our company’s logo, and if you win, $1,500 is yours.
  • Prepare for us a sample of your work for free, and our next order will be paid.
  • We don’t have room in our budget to pay you, but we can think up a way to barter for it.
  • This one here will be for peanuts, but if you handle it, we’ll give you a lot more work.
  • If your work is good, we’ll pay you. We’ll talk about the price later.
  • Come work for us for free, in return for experience and references.
  • The director needs a photographer for his fiftieth birthday party. Then once you’re there, you can talk about paid cooperation.
  • We would love to order from you, but draft a proposal with a sample solution for us first.

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