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March 29, 2022

THE 90/90/1 RULE

“For the next 90 days, your first 90 minutes at work, make it focused on your single most important project,” explains Robin Sharma the principle behind The 90/90/1 Rule for people who struggle with focusing on their real long-term priorities. One of the simplest personal productivity methods out there.

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March 28, 2022


If you are struggling with the psychological aspects of investing and personal finance in general, Morgan Housel wrote an insightful article on the subject in 2018, entitled The Psychology of Money. It was so successful, he later expanded its ideas into a bestselling book covering the same ground, more or less. Article highlights:

  • The social utility of money comes at the direct expense of growing money: Wealth is what you don’t see.
  • Rich man in the car paradox.
  • Under-appreciating the power of compounding, driven by the tendency to intuitively think about exponential growth in linear terms.
  • Optimism bias in risk-taking, or “Russian Roulette should statistically work” syndrome: An over attachment to favorable odds when the downside is unacceptable in any circumstance.

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March 28, 2022


Following the publication of The Freelance Way by HarperCollins, Robert Vlach has been the guest of The Universe Writes — a series of online events with global writers organized by Prabha Khaitan Foundation and Siyahi in India. With Pavan Lall as a host, they have discussed the book, its writing and freelancing as a business. You can watch the full recording on YouTube:

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March 25, 2022


The Freelance Creative has started a future-looking article series entitled The Future-Proof Freelancer. For example, its newest piece ponders a question What will the metaverse mean for freelance creatives?

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March 23, 2022

REMOTE UKRAINE is a trending charitable talent pool helping Ukrainian refugees to find jobs and gigs including freelance ones:

  • Totally free to use — no costs at all
  • 3,500+ registered users, 800+ jobs
  • Candidates in software, industry, marketing, trade & more
  • Remote or in-person, part-time or full-time roles
  • Hire directly or through an intermediary
  • Hire from any country

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March 23, 2022


Jon Younger has put out an impressive Forbes article on How Global Freelance Platforms Are Supporting Ukrainian Freelancers.

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March 22, 2022


Freelance graphic designer Vaclav Kudelka got angry with stupid Uncle Vanya’s plagiarism of McDonalds’ logo. So he decided to ridicule the Russian copycats with a brand new set of Russian-ized logos of Western online brands entitled We don’t need your internet! 💙💛

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March 21, 2022


Are you struggling with podcast or video editing, screen recording, and voice transcription? Meet Descript, a remarkable video editing/transcription app that enables you to overdub mistakes, cut filling words and more. Descript has been trending in our community for quite a while, and it also supports a number of European languages. Just watch their awww-some intro.

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March 18, 2022


The new film documentary The Lost Leonardo (perhaps inspired by Ben Lewis’ book) covers the extraordinary story of the painting Salvator Mundi attributed to Leonardo Da Vinci. The film offers a sneak peek into the world of professional art dealers, collectors, connoisseurs, restorers, and other art experts, many of whom freelance.

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March 18, 2022


Russia, supported by Belarus, has invaded Ukraine and is committing war crimes against its people. Therefore, we have disabled links to all freelance platforms in Russia or Belarus, and disabled membership applications for any freelancers based in there. We stand with Ukraine 💙💛

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