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February 14, 2024


Rory Sutherland, in this albeit older but still very relevant and excellent TED Talk, discusses the importance of psychology in life, marketing, and business. Sutherland, who is, among other things, the author of the successful book Alchemy, talks about the powerful role of perception and framing in influencing human satisfaction and decision-making.

"The power to rebrand things—to understand that our experiences, costs, things don't actually much depend on what they really are, but on how we view them—I genuinely think can't be overstated."

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February 9, 2024


If you work as a freelance translator, Jeremy Klemin's article in The Atlantic might catch your interest. It explores AI's role in book translation and its impact on professionals, highlighting a rising trend among some European publishers towards post-editing (PE)—where humans refine machine-generated translations. While this approach speeds up the process and cuts costs, Klemin notes it may also lead to less creativity and more uniform outputs.

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February 7, 2024


California sets the tone with the Freelance Worker Protection Act. Senator Scott Wiener introduced Senate Bill 988 to protect the growing number of freelancers in California, offering key protections. According to The Freelance Informer, the key points are:

  • Mandatory Contracts: Freelancers performing over $250 (€230) of work within four months are entitled to a contract outlining project details, pay rate, and payment method.
  • 30-Day Payment: Clients must pay freelancers within 30 days of completing work unless otherwise agreed in the contract.
  • Protection from Payment Pressure: Clients cannot coerce freelancers to accept lower pay for faster payment.
  • Anti-Retaliation: Clients are prohibited from retaliating against freelancers who pursue rightful payments.
  • Double Damages: Freelancers facing non-payment receive double the agreed-upon compensation, plus legal fees.

Although the law has not yet been enacted, its proposed provisions offer significant benefits and, if successful, may inspire legislators in other parts of the world, with implications for the global freelance market.

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February 5, 2024


In this new article, which is the third part of a series on Boss Mindset, Sarah Duran discusses the contrast between traditional employment and the independence of freelancers; she emphasizes the importance of self-driven professional development for freelancers, encouraging us to see our skills as an asset we control.

"Clients are not looking for an employee that they have to tell what to do, train, and manage along the way. Clients are looking for top-tier experts who understand precisely what they need and then independently execute."

Sarah highlights how we as freelancers must manage our brand, market our skills, and actively seek growth opportunities. The entrepreneurial approach not only demands continuous learning and adaptation from us but also involves refining our focus on what we do best over time. By evolving client relationships, saying no to unfit projects, and delegating or outsourcing when necessary, we can enhance our value proposition, solve more significant problems for clients, and achieve personal and financial growth.

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February 2, 2024


As a freelancer, how do you choose your niche? And do you actually need it? In his article, Matthew Fenton discusses the benefits of focusing on a specific market segment for freelancers and consultants. He highlights the potential pitfalls of not choosing a niche and provides practical advice on identifying and embracing one, stressing the importance of specialization in a crowded market.

"A niche is a subset of a larger market that is characterized by unique identity, needs or preferences. It’s not more complicated than that. As a one-person operation, you can increase your odds of success by focusing on a specific niche that can sustain your business and position you as an authority."

Matthew illustrates the impact of niche selection on business success by contrasting the experiences of two fictional characters. He further delves into the advantages of niche selection, including the ability to charge higher rates, create a more targeted marketing strategy, and establish oneself as an expert in a specific field.

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January 31, 2024


Geek alert! Tom Baranek designed an innovative Roam Research extension for better daily time-management. His Nautilus has already been approved on Roam Depot.

As Tom explains, Nautilus is an extension for stress-free task planning, visually representing tasks and calendar events in the Roam Daily Page. This flexible tool uses the present moment as a threshold to dynamically push unfinished tasks into the available time until tonight while keeping them in a user-defined order with user-estimated durations. Without AI.

"This visual approach reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed, enhances task-effort estimating skills, and clearly shows what the feasible tasks are for the rest of the day."

To better understand how it works, you can also watch the video tutorial.

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January 29, 2024


Shoji Morimoto is a Japanese man who turned 'doing nothing' into a very original profession. As a rental person, he gets hired just to be present without engaging in any significant activity, providing clients with a sense of comfort. Can it work? Well, since he began his service in 2018, he has been hired more than 4,000 times.

"The client wants to do something, and I just go along. No deep commitment is expected and no personality required," Morimoto says and adds that he believes the job is a great fit for his introverted personality.

This quirky yet intriguing idea highlights the diverse and sometimes unexpected opportunities in the freelancing world and could be a reminder of how creativity can shape the freelancing career. You can read more about his atypical professional journey in the recently published book Rental Person Who Does Nothing.

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January 24, 2024


Navigating the freelance world can be tricky, especially when it comes to clients. An article by writer and brand consultant Austin L. Church outlines the 3 Types of Freelance Clients You Don’t Want to help identify and avoid potentially problematic ones. These include:

  1. Those shopping for a commodity
  2. Those fond of negotiating
  3. Those short on budget

Each type comes with its own set of challenges, from changing ingrained beliefs to dealing with negotiation tactics. In this article, Church presents some effective strategies for dealing with such clients.

"To win a loyal client who will keep sending you projects takes the same effort as winning one that will leave after the first project. The trick is knowing one from the other."

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January 22, 2024


The international platform Freelancemap is once again preparing an excellent Freelancer Study, which primarily maps the business activities of freelancers within the EU. You can also take part.

The questions are divided into several categories, focusing on aspects such as the reasons for starting your freelance business, how you acquire contracts, the use of AI in your daily work, and the challenges freelancers face today. Completing the survey will only take a few minutes.

We will publish the main findings in our news. You can view the results of last year's survey here.

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January 18, 2024


Jessica Abel is one of those rare creative-business coaches who is actually a very accomplished creator herself. For example, her phenomenal graphic novel La Perdida is one of the best works within its genre.

Better yet, Jessica has a blog and podcast for creatives. To get an idea of how good she is, read her article Get paid without guilt: 6 lessons I’ve learned. Here are the six lessons:

  1. Don’t sacrifice your agency to gatekeepers or toxic myths that seek to control you
  2. Reject self-exploitation
  3. Value your work as work
  4. Articulate your work’s value
  5. Equitable does not mean “cheap”
  6. The way to creative freedom is through financial freedom… however you get there

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