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May 18, 2023


Creative copywriter Kim Hobson has published a comprehensive article about what to do when you lose a freelance client (besides stressing). The situation is really unavoidable:

“It’s important to remember no client relationship will last your entire career. One of you will inevitably be the first to move on. It happens to all of us — it’s just that most freelancers only talk about their successes and not their failures.”

The article covers common causes, immediate action steps, emotional coping strategies, prevention, analysis, and damage control. In other words, it's full of actionable advice:

“One of the most important things I’ve learnt from running a freelance business is: Don’t just work in your business, work on it. Keep your existing clients happy, but always be looking to expand your reach with people and businesses you want to work with.”

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May 16, 2023


„Remember how a few months ago I complained about potential clients who reach out to me and immediately ask me for my rate? … Turns out I also kinda, mostly, only care about how much a freelancer is going to cost me,” writes Linda A. Thompson in a recent article titled Can you send me your rate? about how price inquiries are essential in real-life scenarios of dealing with freelancers.

She also recounts her experience with a passive-aggressive company representative whom she asked for a quote, and her touching gesture to an underpaid cleaner. A good and honest article.

Of course, in business you have to be prepared to talk about prices.

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May 12, 2023


A new BBC article written by Ellen Nguyen asks why side-hustlers are sharing their incomes.

She points out that freelancers in the creator economy are much more likely to be transparent about their income than full-time employees. Even more curiously, those who are both employed and freelancing share their freelance income, not their salary.

“There’s no guidance set by HR or clear career paths laid out in the world of side hustles; instead, people have to turn to each other for information about the steps they take and how much they make, which is often encouraged on social media.”

This part also rings true:

“Side-hustles release the ‘inner entrepreneur’ in individuals – so talking about their earnings is one way to demonstrate their success.”

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May 9, 2023


May 9th marks the 3rd anniversary of as well as Europe Day, celebrating peace and unity in Europe 🕊

If you're new to this project, here's a quick summary of what we do and stand for:

  • We support freelancers as independent professionals and solopreneurs by sharing best business practices and maintaining an open directory where anyone can contact our members directly.
  • We promote international cooperation of freelancers as well as freelance communities across Europe. The EU lags behind the US in this regard, with most non-tech freelancers focusing on their national markets rather than exploring opportunities elsewhere.
  • As content curators, we monitor literally hundreds of sources on freelancing worldwide, including news outlets, platforms, books, podcasts, newsletters, and personal blogs. From the noise, we select the quality content and share it through individual news items on our website and social media.
  • Once a month, we send out a freelance newsletter packed with the best freelance content we've discovered around the world — with love, a touch of European perspective, and an exclusive, subscriber-only editorial. Surprisingly, many of our subscribers are based outside of Europe. We're much more global than we expected.
  • The Freelance Way, published by HarperCollins as an international bestseller in 2022 including Kindle and Audible editions, distills all the essential freelance business know-how into one readable volume accessible to anyone worldwide.
  • We're in for the long game — working in a small, highly dedicated team while being open to collaborating with others.

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May 8, 2023


An American library has purchased “work and play” desk stations where parents can work while their baby or toddler plays right next to them — and the photos published by BookRiot (or Curbed) are gorgeous.

“The stations are mostly used by mothers and their young children. What has been interesting is that the units were originally designed for babies and toddlers, but we have seen that even older children like using these. They enjoy having a comfortable place to read, and parents and caregivers appreciate knowing their child is nearby and comfortably occupied with a great book.”

Wouldn’t you love to have a desk like this in your local library, coworking space, or at home?

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May 5, 2023


Freelance platforms like Fiverr or Upwork, once hailed as prophets of the so-called freelance revolution, are taking an extraordinary beating in the markets:

Fiverr’s stock has plunged to below $27, down 92% from its all-time high, while Upwork’s stock has lost 87%.

The crash is due in part to poor financial results and to the growing use of ChatGPT for repetitive, low-skill work brokered by these and similar freelance marketplaces.

The decline is even more notable given that the overall freelance economy is growing, at least in the U.S. — a reminder that freelancing and online freelance platforms are two different things.

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May 4, 2023


Impostor syndrome defined as “psychological occurrence in which people doubt their skills, talents, or accomplishments and have a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as frauds” is quite common among freelancers.

That’s why Kim Hobson published a practical Guide to Imposter Syndrome For Freelancers about how to deal with it.

First, she rightly associates the syndrome with freelancers being walked over by clients and not raising their rates because they feel insecure.

She also notes that most freelance knowledge workers live in an Internet bubble, comparing themselves with online influencers and people at the very top of their field or outside of it.

She also offers a remedy: A tool for gradually changing one’s internal dialogue to shift habitual thought pathways toward a more confident freelance self, reminding readers: “You don’t know how much you know.”

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May 2, 2023


Renowned NYC copywriter Laura Belgray asked freelancers in her mastermind community a simple question:

How’d you know it was time to charge as a copywriter, and how’d you get your first paying client?

She has published the most intriguing answers in a blog post, tellingly titled No experience? No problem.

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April 28, 2023


Yet another solid explainer How to invoice as a freelancer from The Freelance Hustle deals with the boring-but-necessary topic of freelance invoicing: 11 things to remember for freelance beginners.

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April 26, 2023


The Freelance Hustle’s article titled How to Get Clients as a Freelancer outlines some elementary strategies for beginning freelancers. It can be especially useful in markets where freelancers tend to advertise and respond to requests for work, rather than using more active strategies to drive sales. Although the article doesn’t break any new ground, it’s a good summary for those just starting out.

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