infrastructure solution architect and project manager — Senior engineer specialized in infrastructure systems architecture and development, as well as project management supported by a team of experienced IT professionals. Expert in high-availability data pipelines and private server clusters.
independent producer and dealer of merchandise, masks, branded clothes, gifts and other items — Full-service development, production, dealership, and presentation of merchandise used mainly for marketing purposes. Selling branded goods at great prices, or managing the full production process, for clients like Puma and British American Tobacco.
senior AI consultant — Independent expert with 20 years of experience in AI as a researcher, entrepreneur, consultant, and speaker. PhD in Artificial Intelligence, 7 years as a director and chief data scientist at O2 AI Centre. Services include AI strategy and audits.
business consultant and founder of — I’m a business consultant specialized in supporting freelancers and business owners. I wrote the bestselling book The Freelance Way, started one of the largest national freelance communities in Europe and Europe’s first think-tank for freelancers.
front-end coder, developer and consultant of e-commerce sites, websites and web apps — Advanced front-end coding focused mainly on speed (loading times, data transfers, JavaScript performance), producing HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript templates fine-tuned to perfection. Front-end consulting support, code reviews, mentoring, and supervision.
web designer and web developer — Designing and developing modern websites and online stores, based on WordPress or custom-made CMS including professional SEO support. Over 100 projects completed since 2016. Web development, design, management, loading-speed improvements and hosting.
3D designer and Rhino modeler — Senior 3D designer with over 20 years of experience, specializing in 3D modeling, visualizations, 3D printing and support for professionals who design buildings, interiors, infrastructure, or consumer products. Working with Rhino 3D CAD software.
Are you hesitating to kick off a creative project because, for example, you lack the funds or aren't sure if there will be interest? Jiri Janousek and Marek Bouska recently launched the pre-sale platform if…deal, designed for creators. On this platform, you can essentially make a public commitment to bring your idea or project to life—if a set number of people purchase it in the pre-sale.
Unlike platforms like Kickstarter or HitHit, if…deal is relatively minimalist. To create your own offer, all you need to do is fill in a few basic details: what you’ll do and when, if X people buy in.